Summer is fast approaching and with it that good old summer heat we all love. Lol! Beat the heat and be the coldest this summer with some cool and stylish accents of color to keep your styles fresh. 

Ever just sit and people watch? I especially love to do this in the warm seasons. People are walking objects of art and it’s nice just to watch style/fashion in motion. While observing the many unique styles out there, I’ve noticed that this is a HOT time in fashion. People truly seem to do their own thing when it comes to expressing themselves through the art of dressing. Almost anything goes and can be fashionable!

One of my favorite aspects of fashion is the various ways that unlikely colors can be paired or even tripled up to make for smokin’ original looks. Also, what I tend to hone in on is where on the body people choose to express their love for dynamic color.

PRASM‘s line of solid color-style accessories get the job done when you simply want to accent your style with popping color choices. No need to browse around in department stores (or your closet) for hours and hours trying to find the “it” look. Sometimes you need look no further than a simple casual fit and adding in some colorful accessories. 

PRASM‘s line features color-style accessories that focus on highlighting the least likely parts of the body. Add some flavor and swag to those feet, wrists and waistlines with dynamic color! It doesn’t take much messing around in your closet at all. You can pick simple, casual attire from your wardrobe and take it to the next level with touches of high quality color. 

For the active folks out there, PRASM‘s rich solid colored accessories can spice up athletic activities by putting you in touch with colors ranging outside the usual white, black and gray tones. Instead of color focused tennis shoes, put the focus on your feet with a pair of thick, supportive and ultra comfortable PRASM sports socks. Give your feet the attention they deserve since they serve you day in and day out anyway!

Forget about the heat this summer and look your coolest with splashes of rich colored accessories!

Looking for our high quality line of solid color-style accessories? Find PRASM‘s sporting goods at and on eBay and Amazon.

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